Education is the key to a personally, economically and independent future life. H.O.P.E. therefore makes vast effort in the all round development of children – with a special focus on those children who otherwise would be without a chance to obtain quality education or are left out of the education system due to their family background and lack of economic power. The education of women plays another major part in H.O.P.E.’s activities. For women, H.O.P.E. offers a wide range of programs encompassing information sessions and awareness programs on topics like women’s rights, children's rights, education, nutrition, hygiene, etc. Another strong focus is creating ecological awareness and a sense for the need to use the limited natural resources respectfully.
What our children say about H.O.P.E. …
Roney, 13 years: “We get love from HOPE, we get support from HOPE, we get everything from HOPE.”
Brashant, 13 years: I got knowledge from HOPE and I have learned good habits. They also take us to different places for learning something new.”
Priya, 12 years: “When I come for classes, I enjoy so much. I thank HOPE for helping me in everything.”
Roma, 10 years: “They help us in our study and we get very kind things from HOPE.”
Hritik, 13 years: “We get fees from HOPE for our education. So we like HOPE.”
Children from HOPE's support class